Long Links in PDF reports are now shortened automatically

This is a general  implementation: 

This was an issue reported by PIM. When an Outcome Impact Case Report is generated in PDF version, the links with long characters were not working properly when you click on them.

That is why we created a service which automatically converts the long URLs in short ones coming from the TinyURL website (https://tinyurl.com/), and as a result, they take just a line in the PDF. Refer to the following screenshot:

The short URL is appearing only when a PDF is generated and the original link keeps in the MARLO database.
This is the fastest way we found to get this solved (technically) but we understand this is not a good practice. Therefore, we are working on this to get a better solution for the next report period.

We developed this functionality in the following sections: 
  • Full project report
  • OICR
  • Project Highlights
