2019 Annual Report Template - Adjustment at Project Level for Policies, Innovations and OICRs

This is an implementation for all CRPs:

As per the new version of the AR Template for 2019, we have adjusted some sections in MARLO as follows:

Policies only:

  • The title field has been shortened, now it is 30 words maximum (previously this was 50 words). 
  • Now the section has a description field, which is 30 words maximum.

For Policies, Innovations, and OICRs:
(Examples are described using the policies' section, but they were implemented the same way in the other Indicators)
  • On the main policies page, you can now reuse a policy reported in a previous annual report (Previous polices field):
    • To do so, go to the policies page, and see the table towards the bottom of the page which lists previous policies.
    • Click on a previous policy that will be part of the new Annual Report. 
    • Go to drop down on the top right "Include in the Annual Report of: " and select the new year in which you would like to reuse the previous policy.
    • If appropriate, update any other details of the policy. Please note: if you don't change the year, the policy will not be added to the current annual report.

  • A new field was added to map the Policy to a CGIAR Sub-IDOs
    • Use the dropdown to select different sub-IDOs. 
    • If you select more than one CGIAR Sub-IDO, you must identify 1 (one) sub-IDO as a primary sub-IDO by clicking the circle next to the appropriate sub-IDO (see image below).

  • We added a section for linking the Policy to one or more milestones. This linkage is optional but you are required to respond if your policy is contributing or not to a specific Flagship milestone.  if you would like to link to a milestone select "Yes". 
  • If you select Yes, you are able to select up to 3 (three) milestones maximum.
  • If more than one milestone is selected, you must assign one milestone as a primary milestone. 
  • Please note: the milestones on the drop-down are the ones that the project is contributing to as per the "Contribution to Flagship Outcomes" section.

  • From now on, you must identify which center(s) is/are contributing to a policy (Contributing Centers/PPA 
    partners field). This is not a requirement from SMO, but as per our Business Intelligence discussion, this will help us in building the graphics later at CG Center level.
  • Therefore, we have included a new question to map the contributions of CG Centers or Managing Partners to Policies. You can select as many centers as you like and you must select at least 1 (one) center. 
  • If you do not see the contributing center on the drop-down list, you will need to add the center to the partners' section of your project.
